
Ctrip CEO Jane Jie Sun meets European Parliament President Antonio Tajani 携程CEO孙洁与欧洲议会主席Antonio Tajani会谈


Ctrip CEO Jane Jie Sun shakes hand with European Parliament President Antonio Tajani

携程首席执行官孙洁与欧盟议会主席Antonio Tajani

2018 will be the EU-China Year of Tourism. In preparation to this important initiative, European Parliament President Antonio Tajani had a discussion with Ctrip CEO Jane Jie Sun on 1st of June on priorities to promote tourism between the two continents and creating jobs in the leisure sector.

2018年将迎来中欧旅游年。为筹备这一重要活动,欧洲议会议长Antonio Tajani与携程旅行网首席执行官孙洁于6月1日就促进中欧旅游业发展的优先选择以及中欧旅游的发展为休闲服务行业所创造的就业机会进行了探讨。

Ctrip is a leading provider of accommodation reservation, transportation ticketing, package tour and corporate travel management and other travel-related services in China. Since its inception in 1999, Ctrip has become China’s largest travel company and one of the world’s largest online travel agents, with a market cap of roughly USD 27 billion.


According to Mrs Sun, Europe is one of the top destinations for Chinese people. Chinese tourists are keen to discover the continent’s cultural richness. If today less than 10% of Chinese people travel abroad, Mrs Sun’s dream is to see 50% of the population making overseas travels, in particular to Europe.


Ctrip seems well positioned to achieve this objective, thanks to its leading market position in China.  In parallel, Ctrip is developing its footprint in Europe – last year Ctrip acquired the UK-based traveling platform SkyScanner reflecting that Europe has become a priority for Ctrip’s international strategy. Today, Ctrip put its users in contact with a network of 425 airlines and hotels from more than 5,000 cities worldwide. This year, Ctrip expects to sell no less than 400 million flight tickets and 200 million hotel rooms.


President Tajani congratulated Mrs Sun for earmarking Europe as a priority destination for Chinese tourists. He said, tourism is one of the most economic important sectors in Italy and many other European countries and the connection with China is extremely important.


Based on Ctrip’s estimations, each new tourist is expected to bring up to five jobs in the hosting economy.



Ctrip CEO Jane Jie Sun meets with MEP Salvatore Cicu

携程首席执行官孙洁与欧盟议会议员Salvatore Cicu

Following the meeting with President Tajani, Ctrip CEO Sun also met with a number of Members of the European Parliament, including Ana-Claudia Tapardel and Salvatore Pogliese – both members of the Committee on Transport and Tourism – and Salvatore Cicu. The latter showed great interest to learn how digital platforms like Ctrip can play a role in promoting also less popular tourist destinations, like Sardinia, with high potential in terms of sceneries, cuisine and hospitality.

在与Tajani主席会晤后,携程旅行网首席执行官孙洁女士与欧洲议会的数位议员进行了交流,包括交通和旅游委员会委员Ana-Claudia Tapardel和Salvatore Pogliese,以及议员Salvatore Cicu。 Salvatore Cicu议员更是对携程这样的数字平台如何在推广非热门旅游景区(如集美景、美食及热情好客于一身的撒丁岛)方面发挥作用表现出了浓厚兴趣。

ChinaEU, who made all these meetings possible, stressed the importance of mobilizing the Chinese industry in the framework of the official agenda of the EU-China Year of Tourism, which will be officially launched on 18 January 2018 in the city of Venice. Applications like Ctrip can play an instrumental role in boosting the number of Chinese travelers in the European continent and deserves to be on the spotlight.

中欧数字协会促成了这些会议,并强调了在中欧旅游年正式议程的框架下动员中国旅游业的重要性。中欧旅游年将于2018年1月18日在意大利威尼斯正式启动。 携程旅行网这样的应用会在提升欧洲大陆的中国游客数量方面发挥重要作用,值得关注。

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